Sunday, July 1, 2007

Good Intentions

So, I had really great intentions of updating this on a regular basis, but those intentions never really led where I intended. Anyway to update everyone on my life since April goes:

April was a CRAZY month. Insanely busy at work and then we had a catastrophic mishap that we had to deal with on top of the insaneness that already existed. I wrote three final exams in the span of a week and right in the midst of that Bryan's grandpa had a heart attack. On the up side, we worked through the problem at work, I aced all of my exams, and Bryan's grandpa is ok. With all that stress it is no wonder that I have spent the majority of May and June working through the troubles with my stomach resulting from anxiety. With some behavior modification and some meds from the doc I feel pretty confident that I am on my way up! Besides working through the illness I've had a little time to help plan and attend a bachelorette party, see my best friend get married to the perfect guy for her, read a bunch of books, and watch a tonne of movies. I've managed to spend some time with Mom and some time visiting Baba and other than that life is just, well, life.

There is a great picture of all of us gals at Houston's after playing some really great games at the hotel. I created a pictionary game perfect for a bachelorette, complete with penis shaped paper and both naughty and nice things to draw. We all had a blast and I know Leilanie (the bride) did too! Girls just wanna have fun right! Unfortunately I couldn't attend her wedding because it was the same day (June 23) as my best friend's. Sadly I couldn't be two places at once and I just couldn't miss seeing the person who's been my best friend since elementary school marry the man of her dreams.

And there she is, Elaine Mann...used to be Suidy. The wedding was outdoors at their home near Roblin. I used to get phone calls from this girl at 4:00 in the morning after a night at the bar while she was in Calgary going to university telling me about the lastest adventures she had gotten herself into. Those were the days. How things change. Now she's married to Peter and couldn't be happier, moving on to new adventures and a wonderful life. I am so happy for her!

So there you have it...a brief update, a few pictures, and the hopes that I will keep this updated!


1 comment:

Gido said...

I don't think I have to remind you that without our health, we have nothing. Look after yourself young lady. Glad to hear that you went to the Dr. for help. Asking for help is not a weakness, It's a strength as far as I'm concerned. Take care.
Uncle Bob