Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Saga Continues

Another busy week to report in the saga of my life. Let's see back two weeks now I guess it would be. Planned to update at the end of last week, but obviously my good intentions never panned out. I had something to do every day after work. Monday was the final rehearsal for our play with Tuesday being performance day. It went really well (I think). We don't have the mark back yet, but we were the only group that did something different with the play rather than just reading it just like Shakespeare wrote it. We got a few laughs, made a few little mistakes, but overall I was happy with the outcome. On Wednesday I was priveledged to be a volunteer helping out with the Brandon chapter of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It started out at City Hall and continued with a walk from there to Brandon University. I did a slide show of pictures representing racial integration at BU and said a speech on the history of the day. There was a really great turn out and a lot of participation. Thursday was the opening of "Into the Open", a student art show at the Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art at Brandon University. My bookworks, "A 'Mask'erade of Faces" was included in the show. When I arrived at the opening I had a slight boost to my ego as I spoke with a woman who was really intrigued by my project. With Friday being Good Friday, I had a day of rest. Mom and Baba came into Brandon and on Saturday we travelled to Winnipeg to visit my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins for Easter. Sunday was a day, as usual, full of homework. Speaking of homework...I am finally done research for my paper on Shakespeare. A total of 13 books skimmed and tagged. At the moment I am taking a break from working on another paper for my other class Women Writers I. 'The Men in Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre' proves to be a grade A paper (or at least I hope it will be)! Stay tuned for the results of my seemingly endless reading and writing.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Bad and The Good

I used to be an avid blood donater, an everyday hero, it's in you to give right?! WRONG apparently. I decided after not donating in a little over a year due to medical issues that I would try donating again. Everything went fine until about an hour afterwards when suddenly I got really dizzy and proceeded to upchuck about 5 times. Once again thought everything was fine and about two hours later had a do over. Yikes! I was at work during all this and I honestly can't think of anything much worse than being violently ill in a public washroom. So after 2 days home from work and over a week of not feeling "normal" I finally came back to life, so to speak, and got back to being crazy busy me. On Sunday I went to Cosi fan tutti an Italian opera, translated into English and modernized by a group of BU students and their professor. It was fabulous! The vocalists and the orchestra deserve a standing ovation, continuous applause, and one huge BRAVO! The rest of my week in a nutshell...Monday: work, class, home, back to BU to work on our Shakespeare play, home, sleep. Tuesday: work, home, back to BU for class, home, sleep. Wednesday: work, class, and Daffodil Days...which consisted of delivering pre-ordered flowers to different departments and people around BU, setting up and organizing the flower sale table, being interviewed by the local tv station for the evening news, cleaning up, and finally making sure the money matched the flowers sold. In total we raised almost $1000!...then home, relax (wait what's that again?!), sleep. Thursday and Friday were just typical, school, home, sleep! Now I have 9 books on Shakespeare, King Lear, and Religion to skim through and gather information from for my final research paper. Finally, there is a faint glimmer of light at the end of this 8 month tunnel...just our play performance, research paper, the final exam, and then the Shakespeare chapter of my life is OVER!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fantastical Weekend

As 'crazy time' in my life creeps closer and closer I was really looking forward to the last two weekends. Needless to say, if you read the title of this entry, they did not disappoint. Last weekend (Feb 22-24) was the best weekend I've had in a while. Friday night was host to the 9x10 Multiple Book Launch at BU. My bookworks project that I did in my first term Artworks class was showcased, with a few other projects from the class, along side the novels, plays, poetry, and comined works of some of the professors. It was a semi-swanky event with wine and cheese and sushi and I had a really great time getting my academics on! On Saturday, mom and I went for mini facials (part of a promotional spa package I got Mom for Christmas) in the afternoon and to see BU's production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. The performance was fabulous, just as I expected it would be and fits quite nicely into my life right now since I am currently studying Shakespeare. Sunday, February 24th, 2008 can now also be known as the day I made my modelling debut...not in the full sense of the word of course, but model none-the-less. I wore five wedding and two bridesmaid dresses in a wedding show being held in Brandon. It was soooo much fun! I plan to be one of their regular volunteers and so should make my second appearance in October. Runway here I come...again!

This weekend...which is now coming to an end was not quite so eventful, but still more fun than my usual 'sit at home and read all day weekends'. Mom and I went to Belmont Friday night for my cousin Leslie's 40th (and 10th..he he) birthday party. She is a leap year baby making her even more special than she already is and I am really glad that we were a part of her celebration. Following the party, Mom and I resisted the urge to order pizza at 12:30 a.m. and went to bed with visions of our manicures in mind. So, obviously, we got manicures (mini ones-again part of the promo spa pack) Saturday afternoon. For supper we gave in to the previous day's urge to order pizza, did a little shopping, and then went to the theater to see Step Up 2! We actually planned to see No Country for Old Men, but ended up arriving at the theater a little behind schedule. Step Up 2 was definitely worth it though and I guess No Country for Old Men will have to be the movie of choice another time. We finished the night by watching Hairspray and American Gangster on video and finally getting to sleep in the wee hours of this morning. In conclusion, as I sit and write this blog, Mom is on her way home and I am procrastinating (one of my best talents) writing my Detailed Analysis of a Short Text for my Women Writers I class. So, after two really great weekends...the work must begin. Here goes!