Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Bad and The Good

I used to be an avid blood donater, an everyday hero, it's in you to give right?! WRONG apparently. I decided after not donating in a little over a year due to medical issues that I would try donating again. Everything went fine until about an hour afterwards when suddenly I got really dizzy and proceeded to upchuck about 5 times. Once again thought everything was fine and about two hours later had a do over. Yikes! I was at work during all this and I honestly can't think of anything much worse than being violently ill in a public washroom. So after 2 days home from work and over a week of not feeling "normal" I finally came back to life, so to speak, and got back to being crazy busy me. On Sunday I went to Cosi fan tutti an Italian opera, translated into English and modernized by a group of BU students and their professor. It was fabulous! The vocalists and the orchestra deserve a standing ovation, continuous applause, and one huge BRAVO! The rest of my week in a nutshell...Monday: work, class, home, back to BU to work on our Shakespeare play, home, sleep. Tuesday: work, home, back to BU for class, home, sleep. Wednesday: work, class, and Daffodil Days...which consisted of delivering pre-ordered flowers to different departments and people around BU, setting up and organizing the flower sale table, being interviewed by the local tv station for the evening news, cleaning up, and finally making sure the money matched the flowers sold. In total we raised almost $1000!...then home, relax (wait what's that again?!), sleep. Thursday and Friday were just typical, school, home, sleep! Now I have 9 books on Shakespeare, King Lear, and Religion to skim through and gather information from for my final research paper. Finally, there is a faint glimmer of light at the end of this 8 month tunnel...just our play performance, research paper, the final exam, and then the Shakespeare chapter of my life is OVER!

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